Saturday, November 20, 2010

Check under the soil.

I recently had a conversation with my manager (Donna) from when I worked at a garden nursery.  Seeing as though we are both garden lovers, we got on the topic of plants.  There was something she said that stuck with me:

“When you plant a seed, you will see an initial sprout.  Then there is a period of time when you cannot see anything happening.  But what you are not seeing is that the seed is growing roots to support the plant it is growing.  This is a crucial part of the plant’s growth, but is often thought of as a time without growth simply because we cannot see it.”

I go to Corban University, a Christian college where it is expected to see personal growth, development, and a deepening relationship with God.  I become greatly discouraged when I am not growing, when I feel far from God, or when I don’t feel the presence of God in my life.  I was thinking about how I have felt this way throughout my education here at Corban, and this conversation I had with Donna came to mind. 

Who says I am not growing?  Just because I don’t feel like I am growing or because I can’t see growth, does that mean I am not growing?  I think these assumptions are wrong.  This time I have here at Corban is providing me with time for roots to grow.  At no other time of my life will I have professors who can teach me those things I have always wished I knew about my faith.  At no other time will I live in a dorm with 115 other woman of God.  At no other time will I be encouraged on a daily basis to make my faith my own.  At no other time will I have the opportunity to attend chapel three times a week, where I can learn more about God with my fellow student body.  At no other time will I be surrounded by an entire community that loves and lives for God.

I am growing.

"Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught."  (Colossians 2:7)

I may not feel any different.  But just like the seed that is growing roots to support the plant to come, my faith needs roots to support a life to be lived for the glory of God. 

Do not grow discouraged when you don’t see growth in your life.  Maybe you are growing roots.  Without roots, we will be unable to support our faith when things get difficult.

Growth is not always obvious.  Don’t discredit this time in your life as a time void of growth.  Check under the soil.  

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