Monday, December 31, 2012

Roses and Raspberries of 2012

I know everyone (and by “everyone,” I mean the 2 people (one of them likely being my mother) who will read this) was wondering when these would be available to the public… So here they are, folks: my roses and raspberries of 2012. 

Graduation with my wonderful housemates (minus one).
Roses to graduating with my elementary education degree from Corban University after four awesome years there.  With the student teaching done and work samples submitted, it’s good to know I have chosen a career I love.

Roses to spending my last year at Corban with some of the most incredible people I have met and am lucky to call my friends.

Raspberries to the lack of home-renting knowledge we had… but roses to the fact that we can laugh about our naivety “back then” and are much smarter now (HA!). 

Spending time in Costa Rican schools.
Roses to spending another summer with Royal Servants in Costa Rica… didn’t even get one bad sunburn this year and the idea of “camping” is hardly foreign to me anymore (HA! again). 

Raspberries to the lack of reciprocity of teaching licenses… and having to take and pay for tests over again just because they say “WASHINGTON” at the top instead of “OREGON.”

Roses to now being a licensed teacher in two states.

Roses to my parents’ new living arrangements in England.  I feel that by having such jet-setting parents, I must be cool now, too.

Raspberries to missing my parents when they are “across the pond.”

Sarah's married now!!

Roses to being a maid of honor in my best friend’s wedding. 

Roses (believe it or not) to being a substitute teacher.  Even though I didn’t get my highly sought after full-time, permanent teaching position, I have been blessed to stay busy with subbing and have enjoyed far more than I thought I would.  I don’t have 30 students; I have hundreds and hundreds of students.  I like to say my class is half-full…. what a terrible pun, but it worked too well to leave it out.

New friends!

Roses to finding out (thanks to subbing) that I happen to love working with middle schoolers. 

Raspberries to the difficult days of teaching, but roses to the great stories they leave me with.

Roses to the new friends I have made since moving back to Washington.  Turns out it might actually be possible to create a social life for myself while also being a teacher.    

Happy New Year to you, I hope it's filled with many more roses than raspberries.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I hope 2013 is filled with bouquet upon bouquet of roses for you :).
