Sunday, May 15, 2011

16 clothespins, 1/2 roll of paper towels, and nylon rope

As I prepare for this trip to Costa Rica, I have been given a very specific packing list.  And I mean, specific. 

Some items make me think, why?  1/2 a roll of paper towels- separate into sheets and fit them in Ziploc bags, 16 small clothespins, nylon rope, 20 quart-sized Ziplocs. 

Some items make me think, how?  3 ounces of shampoo (how is that going to last more than 4 days?), 1 roll of toilet paper (I really hope this isn’t expected to last me 7 weeks), all things packed in a cardboard box no bigger than 62 linear inches (is this turning into math class?). 

Maybe it’s just my limited camping skills that make me look at this list and have a slight moment of panic.  Or maybe it’s just my human nature that desires comfort, familiarity, and awareness of what’s coming.  I have plenty of questions.  Questions regarding this packing list.  Questions regarding what this summer is going to look like.  Questions regarding my ability and preparedness. 

But I know this method is tried and true.  This missions agency I am going with knows what they are doing.  People have gone before me.  Things are going to be OK.

I bet Noah had some questions for God.  “Why am I building an ark?  Why are you asking me?  How am I supposed to build this ark?  How am I supposed to round up all these animals?”

I bet Mary had some questions for God.  “Why am I pregnant?!  How is this possible?  How do you expect me to explain this?”

I bet Job had some questions.  “Why are things going so badly?  What did I do wrong?  Are you going to save me from all of this?”

And Paul too.  “Why am I in jail?  How long am I here for?  Why is this my lot in life?”

But God’s methods are tried and true.  Sometimes we face things and wonder “why, God?”  Sometimes God puts seasons in our life that are filled with pain, loss, uncertainties, or other discomforts.  Sometimes we just don’t understand the packing list God gives.  But keep in mind that He knows best, He knows what works, He’s been there before, and He is working for good in our lives. 

So as I go into this trip and as I face things on God’s own packing list for me, I will trust.  “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).  The bottom line is that my own understanding falls far short.  As much as I’d like to know all the whys? and hows?, maybe it’s not for me to know right now.  

At some point at training camp or in Costa Rica, I bet I’ll have that moment of “Oh! That’s why I needed to bring this!”  The same is true for life- sometime down the road, you might have that moment of “Oh!  That’s what God was doing!”  So have a little trust and pack what God tells you to.  

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