Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I think I have ended up where I need to be

Have you ever gotten lost while trying to get somewhere?  Has getting lost ever brought you somewhere even better?  Maybe a hole-in-the-wall bakery, a quaint park, or a road that goes beside a pretty creek.  A lot of the getting lost “experience” depends on attitude.  If you can laugh about it and embrace what you’ve stumbled upon, you just might find something better than where you were headed. 
“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I need to be.”  (Douglass Adams)

I never intended to go to Corban University.  I had always dreamed of going to the University of Washington.  I remember telling my parents at the age of 13, “If I don’t get into UW, I’m just going to wait and apply again the next year.”  I did apply, I did get in, but I didn’t go.  I did not go where I intended to go, but Corban was exactly where I needed to be.

I never intended to be an RA.  I liked my private, loner life and thought being an RA was far beyond my comfort zone and capabilities.  But somehow in the whorl-wind of spring semester of my sophomore year, I applied and got a spot.  I did not go where I intended to go, but being an RA turned out to be one of the biggest blessings yet. 

I never intended to go on a big, out of the country mission trip.  I love being the “sender,” the one who stays behind and prays for those who go.  But an invitation to help lead a mission trip to Costa Rica landed in my lap and God gave me the courage to say yes.  This unintended destination even surprised my friends and family.  I did not stay like I intended to stay, but going is what I have been called to do. 

Have you ended up somewhere besides where you planned on going?  Are you currently feeling as if you’ve veered from your chosen path and are “lost?”  Just wait; hang on for a little while longer and maybe you’ll find that you too have ended up where you need to be. 

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